Information for 2025 ACC Conference Presenters
Thank you for joining us at the ACC Conference. We appreciate your interest in and commitment to helping us provide high-quality professional development for our members. As we Innovate, Inspire, and Explore the future of higher education, know that it is our goal to ensure attendees, sponsors, and presenters have the best possible experience. To that end, please review the following guidelines for presenters:
Registration and Lodging:
All presenters must register for the conference and reserve their own lodging. Information about lodging and links to the ACC room blocks can be found HERE. Rooms sold out last year, so please book early! Those presenting as part of a sponsorship do not need to register through the main ACC registration page. See the Sponsor Information page for more details.
Presentation Materials:
Presenters should upload their presentation to the conference app by October 1, 2025. Please upload your presentation as a PDF.
Presenters are encouraged to include instructions for completing a post-session survey in their presentation materials. To access the survey, attendees must: (1) Download the Cvent App; (2) Search for 2025 ACC Conference; (3) enter the code ______; (4) add the session to their schedule; (5) click the Profile button on the top right; and (6) click Surveys.
Bring your presentation with you! You will not be able to run your presentation through the app.
Bring copies of any handouts you want to share. ACC will not provide copies of presentation materials.
Breakout sessions are 45 minutes and will be held concurrently on Monday and Tuesday.
Please plan to arrive for your session 10 minutes early.
Click HERE for the full conference schedule. Session dates/times will be announced by September 1. Once available, the detailed breakout session schedule will be posted here.
Room Assignments/Setup:
Room assignments will be announced by October 1.
Wi-Fi will be available, but speakers are highly encouraged to bring their materials on a flash drive or hard drive.
Presenters must bring their own laptop or other device to run their presentation.
The Hot Springs Convention Center will provide HDMI/VGA cables. If using a MAC, please bring an adapter. If you need a USB-C cable, please bring your own.
Each breakout room will contain an information sheet with instructions for operating the A/V equipment, Wi-Fi login information, and contact information for the Hot Springs Convention Center IT Support Team.
Conference App:
ACC is utilizing the Cvent conference app. You will receive an email with a link to access the Speaker Resource Center, where you will upload your presentation and edit your speaker profile. Click on the Profile tab to edit your profile and upload your photo (if desired). Click on the Sessions tab to edit your session title and description, and to upload your presentation materials. Please review your speaker profile and upload your presentation by October 1.
ACC will be soliciting feedback on individual breakout sessions using the Cvent conference app. Please encourage attendees to complete the survey following your session, and please include instructions for completing the survey in your presentation.
The conference app will go live October 1. You will only be able to access the app details from the Speaker Resource Center until that time. On October 1, all attendees will receive an email with the event ID necessary to access the event in the app.
Contact Kristen Smith at or 817-657-3202.