Information for 2025 ACC Conference Sponsors

This information is for confirmed sponsors. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please visit the “Be a Sponsor” page. Contact Kristen Smith at to register as a sponsor.

Action Items

  • Once you have confirmed and paid for your sponsorship, you may complete the form linked HERE so that ACC can prepare name badges for your attendees and assign them as booth staff in the conference app. Platinum sponsors receive four complimentary conference passes; gold, silver, and bronze sponsors receive two complimentary conference passes. Additional registrants will be billed to the sponsor at a rate of $300/person. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM BY SEPTEMBER 15, 2025!

  • All booth staff must reserve their own lodging. Information about lodging and links to the ACC room blocks can be found HERE. Please book your rooms by SEPTEMBER 1, 2025!

  • Once your sponsorship has been paid, watch for an email from with the subject line “Welcome to the 2025 ACC Conference.” This email contains your link to access the Cvent conference app Exhibitor Resource Center. Please login and complete your company profile. Instructions are included HERE. ACC will register your booth staff based on the information provided on the “Registering Your Booth Staff” form. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR APP PROFILE BY OCTOBER 1, 2025!

Sponsor Setup, Hours, and Other Details:

  • Arrival:

    • Arrive Sunday, October 12, from 2-4 p.m. OR Monday, October 13, from 7-8 a.m.

    • You may temporarily park in the circle drive on Convention Blvd. to unload. Click HERE and scroll down for a map of the Convention Center.

    • Each sponsor is entitled to one 8-ft x 30-in draped table and two chairs. Feel free to bring your own table covering. The tables are located in high traffic areas and are not separated by pipe and drape, so please plan to restrict your materials to your table space.

    • Look for your assigned table in Plaza Lobby (Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsors) or 200 hallway (Bronze Sponsors). When finalized, a layout of the Plaza Lobby will be posted HERE, and a layout of the 200 Hallway will be posted HERE.

    • Your name badges will be at your table - there is no need to go to the registration desk.

    • If you require electricity at your table, you must complete the form linked HERE and send it to

    • Please do not leave valuable items at your display table overnight.

    • If you are shipping materials, please address them with the details below and ensure they arrive no earlier than Thursday, October 9. The convention center will NOT accept deliveries prior to that date:

      Hot Springs Convention Center & Bank OZK Arena

      134 Convention Blvd

      Hot Springs, AR 71901

      Attn: Pauline Howard re: ACC Conference

  • Sponsor Booth Hours:

    • Sunday, October 12, 4 - 7 p.m. (optional, strongly encouraged)

    • Monday, October 13, from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    • Tuesday, October 14, from 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. (optional)

  • Departure:

    • All tables must be cleared and items removed from the conference facility by 1 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14.

    • If you are shipping materials out, you are responsible for repacking, attaching a return label, and scheduling a same day pickup from the carrier of your choice. Take your materials to the administrative office at the end of the 200 hallway for pickup.

  • Miscellaneous Info

    • Sponsors will have free access to the conference facility guest WIFI.

    • Sponsors are invited to provide goodie-bag stuffers to be distributed at registration. This can be an informational piece or gift. If you elect to include an item in the goodie bags, please have your items shipped to the Hot Springs Convention Center following the instructions above, or delivered by 2pm on Sunday, October 12. Please plan for 500 attendees.

Conference Schedule

  • Click HERE for the full conference schedule. Booth staff are invited to all open events, including networking events, with the exception of the Networking Dinners.

  • Registered booth staff are invited to participate in all catered events, specifically the following:

    • Sunday, October 12

      • Welcome Reception in Plaza Lobby, 6-7 p.m. (hors d’oeuvres and ticket bar)

      • Team Trivia at the Embassy Suites, 8-10 p.m. (light snacks)

      • Hospitality Suite at the Hotel Hot Springs, 7-11 p.m. (open bar)

    • Monday, October 13

      • Break Service in the Plaza Lobby, 7:30-9 a.m. (coffee, water, and pastries)

      • Break Service in the 200 Hallway, 10-11:30 a.m. (coffee and water)

      • Academic All-Star Awards Luncheon in Horner Hall, 12-1:30 p.m. (plated meal)

      • Break Service in the 200 Hallway, 1:30-3:00 p.m. (coffee and water)

      • Networking Reception in the Plaza Lobby, 3:30-5 p.m. (light refreshments and ticket bar)

      • Hospitality Suite at the Hotel Hot Springs, 5-7 p.m. (open bar)

    • Tuesday, October 14

      • Break Service in the 200 Hallway 7:30-9:00 a.m. (coffee and water)

      • Outstanding Faculty & Staff Awards Brunch & Closing Ceremony in Horner Hall, 10 - 11:30 a.m. (buffet)

  • Please note that on Sunday, October 12, and Monday, October 13, there will be receptions designed to provide opportunities for sponsor interaction. Each attendee will be given a Sponsor Trek scorecard. For each sponsor table an attendee visits, they will earn a point. Attendees will earn entries into a drawing for prizes based on the number of sponsor tables they visit/points they earn. Prizes will be drawn at the Networking Reception on Monday, October 13.

Conference App

  • The conference app will go live October 1. You will only be able to access the app details from the Exhibitor Resource Center until that time. On October 1, all attendees will receive an email with the event ID necessary to access the event in the app.

  • The conference app will track attendees that access sponsor pages, websites, videos, etc.. Sponsors can access these lead reports through the Exhibitor Resource Center. Sponsors are responsible for in-person lead tracking.

Attendee List:

  • ACC will share the attendee list with sponsors no later than October 1, 2025.


  • The deadline to cancel and receive a refund is September 1, 2025.


  • Contact Kristen Smith at or 817-657-3202.